Town of Falmouth

The Town of Falmouth has a population of 31,000 and comprises 16 Town buildings and 7 schools totaling over 1,000,000 square feet. They are not currently a Green Community, but are committed to energy reduction. They have an active Energy Committee, a part time energy manager and are involved with an ongoing Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC).

EE&D has been working with the Town of Falmouth for the past 3 years as their Owner’s Agent for the ESPC project. During that time we have been assisting the Town with the development, implementation and verification of the ESPC project. Our main role has been to work with the Town’s Energy Manager to provide engineering expertise and contract negotiation support based on our 20+ years of experience with ESPC projects.

Some of the key areas of ESPC Program support included:

  • Preliminary evaluation of all Town and School buildings to help scope the ESPC project.
  • Energy Benchmarking for all Town and School buildings
  • Meetings with the Town and the ESPC vendor to develop the comprehensive, long-range implementation plan
  • Contract negotiations with the ESPC Vendor
  • Engineering and project management support for the Energy Manager during construction
  • Commissioning and Measurement and Verification (M&V) oversight

Additional support EE&D has provided for the Town’s Energy manager includes:

  • Assistance with identifying and tracking more than 200 utility accounts
  • Identification and selection of a Town-wide Energy Dashboard tool
  • Support on developing and updating Energy Awareness Program
  • Retro-Commissioning project at the Main Library
Energy Engineering & Design, Inc. 835 East Street, Dedham MA 02026 P: 781-775-2698